Shipping and Delivery - Basic Guidelines

Basic Shipment Information

• We use leading shipping carriers such as FedEx, UPS, USPS, and DHL to handle all package deliveries. These renowned postal services ensure the efficient processing of your orders within the UK and worldwide.

• Please be aware that during holiday seasons and periods of high workload, there may be occasional delays in the delivery process.

• For items currently in stock, the standard shipping period from the moment of order placement is typically 3–7 business days. However, the delivery time is subject to the shipping service providers' adherence to their scheduled delivery dates.

 • Delivery times may vary based on the specific items ordered. Special orders or products that require custom manufacturing may take longer to be delivered. Rest assured, we strive to inform you about any possible delays and provide the best delivery experience possible.

Unclaimed Shipment/ Incorrect Address

• To cover our shipping and handling expenses, a fee will be applied to unclaimed shipments, calculated based on your original shipping charge, including TAX.

• Should the package need to be resent, a new shipping cost will be incurred.

• For cases where free shipping was initially provided, the new shipping charges will be determined based on the weight/volume of the shipment.